FluidVaultAdmin ​
Fluid Vault protocol Admin Module contract. Implements admin related methods to set configs such as liquidation params, rates oracle address etc. Methods are limited to be called via delegateCall only. Vault CoreModule ("VaultT1" contract) is expected to call the methods implemented here after checking the msg.sender is authorized. All methods update the exchange prices in storage before changing configs.
X8 ​
uint256 X8
X10 ​
uint256 X10
X15 ​
uint256 X15
X16 ​
uint256 X16
X19 ​
uint256 X19
X24 ​
uint256 X24
X30 ​
uint256 X30
X64 ​
uint256 X64
addressThis ​
address addressThis
constructor ​
constructor() internal
_verifyCaller ​
modifier _verifyCaller()
_updateExchangePrice ​
modifier _updateExchangePrice()
updates exchange price on storage, called on all admin methods in combination with _verifyCaller modifier so only called by authorized delegatecall
_checkLiquidationMaxLimitAndPenalty ​
function _checkLiquidationMaxLimitAndPenalty(uint256 liquidationMaxLimit_, uint256 liquidationPenalty_) internal pure
updateCollateralFactor ​
function updateCollateralFactor(uint256 collateralFactor_) public
updates the collateral factor to collateralFactor_
. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
updateLiquidationThreshold ​
function updateLiquidationThreshold(uint256 liquidationThreshold_) public
updates the liquidation threshold to liquidationThreshold_
. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
updateLiquidationMaxLimit ​
function updateLiquidationMaxLimit(uint256 liquidationMaxLimit_) public
updates the liquidation max limit to liquidationMaxLimit_
. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
updateWithdrawGap ​
function updateWithdrawGap(uint256 withdrawGap_) public
updates the withdrawal gap to withdrawGap_
. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
updateLiquidationPenalty ​
function updateLiquidationPenalty(uint256 liquidationPenalty_) public
updates the liquidation penalty to liquidationPenalty_
. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
updateBorrowFee ​
function updateBorrowFee(uint256 borrowFee_) public
updates the borrow fee to borrowFee_
. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
updateOracle ​
function updateOracle(uint256 newOracleNonce_) public
updates the Vault oracle to newOracleNonce_
. Must implement the FluidOracle interface.
updateRebalancer ​
function updateRebalancer(address newRebalancer_) public
updates the allowed rebalancer to newRebalancer_
rescueFunds ​
function rescueFunds(address token_) external
sends any potentially stuck funds to Liquidity contract.
this contract never holds any funds as all operations send / receive funds from user <-> Liquidity.
absorbDustDebt ​
function absorbDustDebt(uint256[] nftIds_) public
absorbs accumulated dust debt
in decades if a lot of positions are 100% liquidated (aka absorbed) then dust debt can mount up which is basically sort of an extra revenue for the protocol.