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Structs ​

InitializeVariables ​

struct InitializeVariables {
  bool smartCol;
  uint256 token0ColAmt;
  bool smartDebt;
  uint256 token0DebtAmt;
  uint256 centerPrice;
  uint256 fee;
  uint256 revenueCut;
  uint256 upperPercent;
  uint256 lowerPercent;
  uint256 upperShiftThreshold;
  uint256 lowerShiftThreshold;
  uint256 thresholdShiftTime;
  uint256 centerPriceAddress;
  uint256 hookAddress;
  uint256 maxCenterPrice;
  uint256 minCenterPrice;

UserSupplyConfig ​

struct to set user supply & withdrawal config

struct UserSupplyConfig {
  address user;
  uint256 expandPercent;
  uint256 expandDuration;
  uint256 baseWithdrawalLimit;

UserBorrowConfig ​

struct to set user borrow & payback config

struct UserBorrowConfig {
  address user;
  uint256 expandPercent;
  uint256 expandDuration;
  uint256 baseDebtCeiling;
  uint256 maxDebtCeiling;