GovernanceModule ​
Inherits:IFluidLiquidityAdmin, CommonHelpers, Events, AdminModuleConstants
Fluid Liquidity Governance only related methods
Functions ​
onlyGovernance ​
only governance guard
modifier onlyGovernance();
_checkValidAddress ​
checks that value_
is a valid address (not zero address)
function _checkValidAddress(address value_) internal pure;
_checkIsContract ​
checks that value_
address is a contract
function _checkIsContract(address value_) internal view;
_checkIsContractOrNativeAddress ​
checks that value_
address is a contract (which includes address zero check) or the native token
function _checkIsContractOrNativeAddress(address value_) internal view;
_checkTokenDecimalsRange ​
checks that token_
decimals are between MIN_TOKEN_DECIMALS
function _checkTokenDecimalsRange(address token_) internal view;
updateAuths ​
adds/removes auths. Auths generally could be contracts which can have restricted actions defined on contract. auths can be helpful in reducing governance overhead where it's not needed.
function updateAuths(AddressBool[] calldata authsStatus_) external onlyGovernance;
Name | Type | Description |
authsStatus_ | AddressBool[] | array of structs setting allowed status for an address. status true => add auth, false => remove auth |
updateGuardians ​
adds/removes guardians. Only callable by Governance.
function updateGuardians(AddressBool[] calldata guardiansStatus_) external onlyGovernance;
Name | Type | Description |
guardiansStatus_ | AddressBool[] | array of structs setting allowed status for an address. status true => add guardian, false => remove guardian |
updateRevenueCollector ​
changes the revenue collector address (contract that is sent revenue). Only callable by Governance.
function updateRevenueCollector(address revenueCollector_) external onlyGovernance;
Name | Type | Description |
revenueCollector_ | address | new revenue collector address |