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Events ​

LogOperate ​

event LogOperate(address user_, uint256 nftId_, int256 colAmt_, int256 debtAmt_, address to_)

emitted when an operate() method is executed that changes collateral (colAmt_) / debt (debtAmt*) amount for a user*position withnftId*. Receiver of any funds is the address to*`.

LogUpdateExchangePrice ​

event LogUpdateExchangePrice(uint256 supplyExPrice_, uint256 borrowExPrice_)

emitted when the exchange prices are updated in storage.

LogLiquidate ​

event LogLiquidate(address liquidator_, uint256 colAmt_, uint256 debtAmt_, address to_)

emitted when a liquidation has been executed.

LogAbsorb ​

event LogAbsorb(uint256 colAbsorbedRaw_, uint256 debtAbsorbedRaw_)

emitted when absorb() was executed to absorb bad debt.

LogRebalance ​

event LogRebalance(int256 colAmt_, int256 debtAmt_)

emitted when a rebalance() has been executed, balancing out total supply / borrow between Vault and Fluid Liquidity pools. if colAmt_ is positive then loss, meaning transfer from rebalancer address to vault and deposit. if colAmt_ is negative then profit, meaning withdrawn from vault and sent to rebalancer address. if debtAmt_ is positive then profit, meaning borrow from vault and sent to rebalancer address. if debtAmt_ is negative then loss, meaning transfer from rebalancer address to vault and payback.