ErrorTypes ​
ExpandPercentConfigHandler__AddressZero ​
uint256 ExpandPercentConfigHandler__AddressZero
thrown when an input address is zero
ExpandPercentConfigHandler__Unauthorized ​
uint256 ExpandPercentConfigHandler__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
ExpandPercentConfigHandler__InvalidParams ​
uint256 ExpandPercentConfigHandler__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
ExpandPercentConfigHandler__NoUpdate ​
uint256 ExpandPercentConfigHandler__NoUpdate
thrown when no update is currently needed
ExpandPercentConfigHandler__SlotDoesNotExist ​
uint256 ExpandPercentConfigHandler__SlotDoesNotExist
thrown when slot is not used, e.g. when borrow token is 0 there is no borrow data
EthenaRateConfigHandler__AddressZero ​
uint256 EthenaRateConfigHandler__AddressZero
thrown when an input address is zero
EthenaRateConfigHandler__Unauthorized ​
uint256 EthenaRateConfigHandler__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
EthenaRateConfigHandler__InvalidParams ​
uint256 EthenaRateConfigHandler__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
EthenaRateConfigHandler__NoUpdate ​
uint256 EthenaRateConfigHandler__NoUpdate
thrown when no update is currently needed
MaxBorrowConfigHandler__AddressZero ​
uint256 MaxBorrowConfigHandler__AddressZero
thrown when an input address is zero
MaxBorrowConfigHandler__Unauthorized ​
uint256 MaxBorrowConfigHandler__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
MaxBorrowConfigHandler__InvalidParams ​
uint256 MaxBorrowConfigHandler__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
MaxBorrowConfigHandler__NoUpdate ​
uint256 MaxBorrowConfigHandler__NoUpdate
thrown when no update is currently needed
BufferRateConfigHandler__AddressZero ​
uint256 BufferRateConfigHandler__AddressZero
thrown when an input address is zero
BufferRateConfigHandler__Unauthorized ​
uint256 BufferRateConfigHandler__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
BufferRateConfigHandler__InvalidParams ​
uint256 BufferRateConfigHandler__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
BufferRateConfigHandler__NoUpdate ​
uint256 BufferRateConfigHandler__NoUpdate
thrown when no update is currently needed
BufferRateConfigHandler__RateVersionUnsupported ​
uint256 BufferRateConfigHandler__RateVersionUnsupported
thrown when rate data version is not supported
RatesAuth__NoUpdate ​
uint256 RatesAuth__NoUpdate
thrown when no update is currently needed
RatesAuth__Unauthorized ​
uint256 RatesAuth__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
RatesAuth__InvalidParams ​
uint256 RatesAuth__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
RatesAuth__CooldownLeft ​
uint256 RatesAuth__CooldownLeft
thrown when cooldown is not yet expired
RatesAuth__InvalidVersion ​
uint256 RatesAuth__InvalidVersion
thrown when version is invalid
ListTokenAuth__Unauthorized ​
uint256 ListTokenAuth__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
ListTokenAuth_AlreadyInitialized ​
uint256 ListTokenAuth_AlreadyInitialized
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
ListTokenAuth__InvalidParams ​
uint256 ListTokenAuth__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
CollectRevenueAuth__Unauthorized ​
uint256 CollectRevenueAuth__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
CollectRevenueAuth__InvalidParams ​
uint256 CollectRevenueAuth__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
WithdrawLimitAuth__NoUserSupply ​
uint256 WithdrawLimitAuth__NoUserSupply
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
WithdrawLimitAuth__Unauthorized ​
uint256 WithdrawLimitAuth__Unauthorized
thrown when an unauthorized msg.sender
calls a protected method
WithdrawLimitAuth__InvalidParams ​
uint256 WithdrawLimitAuth__InvalidParams
thrown when invalid params are passed into a method
WithdrawLimitAuth__DailyLimitReached ​
uint256 WithdrawLimitAuth__DailyLimitReached
thrown when no more withdrawal limit can be set for the day
WithdrawLimitAuth__HourlyLimitReached ​
uint256 WithdrawLimitAuth__HourlyLimitReached
thrown when no more withdrawal limit can be set for the hour
WithdrawLimitAuth__ExcessPercentageDifference ​
uint256 WithdrawLimitAuth__ExcessPercentageDifference
thrown when the withdrawal limit and userSupply difference exceeds 5%