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IFluidLiquidityAdmin ​

updateAuths ​

function updateAuths(struct Structs.AddressBool[] authsStatus_) external

adds/removes auths. Auths generally could be contracts which can have restricted actions defined on contract. auths can be helpful in reducing governance overhead where it's not needed.

Parameters ​

authsStatus_struct Structs.AddressBool[]array of structs setting allowed status for an address. status true => add auth, false => remove auth

updateGuardians ​

function updateGuardians(struct Structs.AddressBool[] guardiansStatus_) external

adds/removes guardians. Only callable by Governance.

Parameters ​

guardiansStatus_struct Structs.AddressBool[]array of structs setting allowed status for an address. status true => add guardian, false => remove guardian

updateRevenueCollector ​

function updateRevenueCollector(address revenueCollector_) external

changes the revenue collector address (contract that is sent revenue). Only callable by Governance.

Parameters ​

revenueCollector_addressnew revenue collector address

changeStatus ​

function changeStatus(uint256 newStatus_) external

changes current status, e.g. for pausing or unpausing all user operations. Only callable by Auths.

Parameters ​

newStatus_uint256new status status = 2 -> pause, status = 1 -> resume.

updateRateDataV1s ​

function updateRateDataV1s(struct Structs.RateDataV1Params[] tokensRateData_) external

update tokens rate data version 1. Only callable by Auths.

Parameters ​

tokensRateData_struct Structs.RateDataV1Params[]array of RateDataV1Params with rate data to set for each token

updateRateDataV2s ​

function updateRateDataV2s(struct Structs.RateDataV2Params[] tokensRateData_) external

update tokens rate data version 2. Only callable by Auths.

Parameters ​

tokensRateData_struct Structs.RateDataV2Params[]array of RateDataV2Params with rate data to set for each token

updateTokenConfigs ​

function updateTokenConfigs(struct Structs.TokenConfig[] tokenConfigs_) external

updates token configs: fee charge on borrowers interest & storage update utilization threshold. Only callable by Auths.

Parameters ​

tokenConfigs_struct Structs.TokenConfig[]contains token address, fee & utilization threshold

updateUserClasses ​

function updateUserClasses(struct Structs.AddressUint256[] userClasses_) external

updates user classes: 0 is for new protocols, 1 is for established protocols. Only callable by Auths.

Parameters ​

userClasses_struct Structs.AddressUint256[]struct array of uint256 value to assign for each user address

updateUserSupplyConfigs ​

function updateUserSupplyConfigs(struct Structs.UserSupplyConfig[] userSupplyConfigs_) external

sets user supply configs per token basis. Eg: with interest or interest-free and automated limits. Only callable by Auths.

Parameters ​

userSupplyConfigs_struct Structs.UserSupplyConfig[]struct array containing user supply config, see UserSupplyConfig struct for more info

updateUserWithdrawalLimit ​

function updateUserWithdrawalLimit(address user_, address token_, uint256 newLimit_) external

sets a new withdrawal limit as the current limit for a certain user

Parameters ​

user_addressuser address for which to update the withdrawal limit
token_addresstoken address for which to update the withdrawal limit
newLimit_uint256new limit until which user supply can decrease to. Important: input in raw. Must account for exchange price in input param calculation. Note any limit that is < max expansion or > current user supply will set max expansion limit or current user supply as limit respectively. - set 0 to make maximum possible withdrawable: instant full expansion, and if that goes below base limit then fully down to 0. - set type(uint256).max to make current withdrawable 0 (sets current user supply as limit).

updateUserBorrowConfigs ​

function updateUserBorrowConfigs(struct Structs.UserBorrowConfig[] userBorrowConfigs_) external

setting user borrow configs per token basis. Eg: with interest or interest-free and automated limits. Only callable by Auths.

Parameters ​

userBorrowConfigs_struct Structs.UserBorrowConfig[]struct array containing user borrow config, see UserBorrowConfig struct for more info

pauseUser ​

function pauseUser(address user_, address[] supplyTokens_, address[] borrowTokens_) external

pause operations for a particular user in class 0 (class 1 users can't be paused by guardians). Only callable by Guardians.

Parameters ​

user_addressaddress of user to pause operations for
supplyTokens_address[]token addresses to pause withdrawals for
borrowTokens_address[]token addresses to pause borrowings for

unpauseUser ​

function unpauseUser(address user_, address[] supplyTokens_, address[] borrowTokens_) external

unpause operations for a particular user in class 0 (class 1 users can't be paused by guardians). Only callable by Guardians.

Parameters ​

user_addressaddress of user to unpause operations for
supplyTokens_address[]token addresses to unpause withdrawals for
borrowTokens_address[]token addresses to unpause borrowings for

collectRevenue ​

function collectRevenue(address[] tokens_) external

collects revenue for tokens to configured revenueCollector address.

Note that this can revert if token balance is < revenueAmount (utilization > 100%)

Parameters ​

tokens_address[]array of tokens to collect revenue for

updateExchangePrices ​

function updateExchangePrices(address[] tokens_) external returns (uint256[] supplyExchangePrices_, uint256[] borrowExchangePrices_)

gets the current updated exchange prices for n tokens and updates all prices, rates related data in storage.

Parameters ​

tokens_address[]tokens to update exchange prices for

Return Values ​

supplyExchangePrices_uint256[]new supply rates of overall system for each token
borrowExchangePrices_uint256[]new borrow rates of overall system for each token

IFluidLiquidityLogic ​

operate ​

function operate(address token_, int256 supplyAmount_, int256 borrowAmount_, address withdrawTo_, address borrowTo_, bytes callbackData_) external payable returns (uint256 memVar3_, uint256 memVar4_)

Single function which handles supply, withdraw, borrow & payback

_to trigger skipping in / out transfers (gas optimization):

  • callbackData_ MUST be encoded so that "from" address is the last 20 bytes in the last 32 bytes slot, also for native token operations where liquidityCallback is not triggered! from address must come at last position if there is more data. I.e. encode like: abi.encode(otherVar1, otherVar2, FROM_ADDRESS). Note dynamic types used with abi.encode come at the end so if dynamic types are needed, you must use abi.encodePacked to ensure the from address is at the end.
  • this "from" address must match withdrawTo* or borrowTo* and must be == msg.sender
  • callbackData_ must in addition to the from address as described above include bytes32 SKIP_TRANSFERS in the slot before (bytes 32 to 63)
  • msg.value must be 0.
  • Amounts must be either:
    • supply(+) == borrow(+), withdraw(-) == payback(-).
    • Liquidity must be on the winning side (deposit < borrow OR payback < withdraw)._

Parameters ​

token_addressaddress of token (0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE for native)
supplyAmount_int256if +ve then supply, if -ve then withdraw, if 0 then nothing
borrowAmount_int256if +ve then borrow, if -ve then payback, if 0 then nothing
withdrawTo_addressif withdrawal then to which address
borrowTo_addressif borrow then to which address
callbackData_bytescallback data passed to liquidityCallback method of protocol

Return Values ​

memVar3_uint256updated supplyExchangePrice
memVar4_uint256updated borrowExchangePrice

IFluidLiquidity ​