ErrorTypes ​
State Variables ​
VaultFactory__InvalidOperation ​
| | Vault Factory | |__________________________________
uint256 internal constant VaultFactory__InvalidOperation = 30001;
VaultFactory__Unauthorized ​
uint256 internal constant VaultFactory__Unauthorized = 30002;
VaultFactory__SameTokenNotAllowed ​
uint256 internal constant VaultFactory__SameTokenNotAllowed = 30003;
VaultFactory__InvalidParams ​
uint256 internal constant VaultFactory__InvalidParams = 30004;
VaultFactory__InvalidVault ​
uint256 internal constant VaultFactory__InvalidVault = 30005;
VaultFactory__InvalidVaultAddress ​
uint256 internal constant VaultFactory__InvalidVaultAddress = 30006;
VaultFactory__OnlyDelegateCallAllowed ​
uint256 internal constant VaultFactory__OnlyDelegateCallAllowed = 30007;
Vault__AlreadyEntered ​
| | Vault | |__________________________________
thrown at reentrancy
uint256 internal constant Vault__AlreadyEntered = 31001;
Vault__InvalidOperateAmount ​
thrown when user sends deposit & borrow amount as 0
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidOperateAmount = 31002;
Vault__InvalidMsgValueOperate ​
thrown when msg.value is not in sync with native token deposit or payback
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidMsgValueOperate = 31003;
Vault__NotAnOwner ​
thrown when msg.sender is not the owner of the vault
uint256 internal constant Vault__NotAnOwner = 31004;
Vault__TickIsEmpty ​
thrown when user's position does not exist. Sending the wrong index from the frontend
uint256 internal constant Vault__TickIsEmpty = 31005;
Vault__PositionAboveCF ​
thrown when the user's position is above CF and the user tries to make it more risky by trying to withdraw or borrow
uint256 internal constant Vault__PositionAboveCF = 31006;
Vault__TopTickDoesNotExist ​
thrown when the top tick is not initialized. Happens if the vault is totally new or all the user's left
uint256 internal constant Vault__TopTickDoesNotExist = 31007;
Vault__InvalidMsgValueLiquidate ​
thrown when msg.value in liquidate is not in sync payback
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidMsgValueLiquidate = 31008;
Vault__ExcessSlippageLiquidation ​
thrown when slippage is more on liquidation than what the liquidator sent
uint256 internal constant Vault__ExcessSlippageLiquidation = 31009;
Vault__NotRebalancer ​
thrown when msg.sender is not the rebalancer/reserve contract
uint256 internal constant Vault__NotRebalancer = 31010;
Vault__NftNotOfThisVault ​
thrown when NFT of one vault interacts with the NFT of other vault
uint256 internal constant Vault__NftNotOfThisVault = 31011;
Vault__TokenNotInitialized ​
thrown when the token is not initialized on the liquidity contract
uint256 internal constant Vault__TokenNotInitialized = 31012;
Vault__NotAnAuth ​
thrown when admin updates fallback if a non-auth calls vault
uint256 internal constant Vault__NotAnAuth = 31013;
Vault__ExcessCollateralWithdrawal ​
thrown in operate when user tries to witdhraw more collateral than deposited
uint256 internal constant Vault__ExcessCollateralWithdrawal = 31014;
Vault__ExcessDebtPayback ​
thrown in operate when user tries to payback more debt than borrowed
uint256 internal constant Vault__ExcessDebtPayback = 31015;
Vault__WithdrawMoreThanOperateLimit ​
thrown when user try to withdrawal more than operate's withdrawal limit
uint256 internal constant Vault__WithdrawMoreThanOperateLimit = 31016;
Vault__InvalidLiquidityCallbackAddress ​
thrown when caller of liquidityCallback is not Liquidity
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidLiquidityCallbackAddress = 31017;
Vault__NotEntered ​
thrown when reentrancy is not already on
uint256 internal constant Vault__NotEntered = 31018;
Vault__OnlyDelegateCallAllowed ​
thrown when someone directly calls operate or secondary implementation contract
uint256 internal constant Vault__OnlyDelegateCallAllowed = 31019;
Vault__TransferFromFailed ​
thrown when the safeTransferFrom for a token amount failed
uint256 internal constant Vault__TransferFromFailed = 31020;
Vault__ExchangePriceOverFlow ​
thrown when exchange price overflows while updating on storage
uint256 internal constant Vault__ExchangePriceOverFlow = 31021;
Vault__InvalidLiquidationAmt ​
thrown when debt to liquidate amt is sent wrong
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidLiquidationAmt = 31022;
Vault__UserCollateralDebtExceed ​
thrown when user debt or collateral goes above 2128 or below -2128
uint256 internal constant Vault__UserCollateralDebtExceed = 31023;
Vault__BranchDebtTooLow ​
thrown if on liquidation branch debt becomes lower than 100
uint256 internal constant Vault__BranchDebtTooLow = 31024;
Vault__TickDebtTooLow ​
thrown when tick's debt is less than 10000
uint256 internal constant Vault__TickDebtTooLow = 31025;
Vault__LiquidityExchangePriceUnexpected ​
thrown when the received new liquidity exchange price is of unexpected value (< than the old one)
uint256 internal constant Vault__LiquidityExchangePriceUnexpected = 31026;
Vault__UserDebtTooLow ​
thrown when user's debt is less than 10000
uint256 internal constant Vault__UserDebtTooLow = 31027;
Vault__InvalidPaybackOrDeposit ​
thrown when on only payback and only deposit the ratio of position increases
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidPaybackOrDeposit = 31028;
Vault__InvalidLiquidation ​
thrown when liquidation just happens of a single partial or when there's nothing to liquidate
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidLiquidation = 31029;
Vault__InvalidMsgValueInRebalance ​
thrown when msg.value is sent wrong in rebalance
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidMsgValueInRebalance = 31030;
Vault__NothingToRebalance ​
thrown when nothing rebalanced
uint256 internal constant Vault__NothingToRebalance = 31031;
Vault__LiquidationReverts ​
thrown on unforseen liquidation scenarios. Might never come in use.
uint256 internal constant Vault__LiquidationReverts = 31032;
Vault__InvalidOraclePrice ​
thrown when oracle price is > 1e54
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidOraclePrice = 31033;
Vault__ImproperConstantsSetup ​
thrown when constants are not set properly via contructor
uint256 internal constant Vault__ImproperConstantsSetup = 31034;
Vault__FetchLatestPositionFailed ​
thrown when externally calling fetchLatestPosition function
uint256 internal constant Vault__FetchLatestPositionFailed = 31035;
Vault__InvalidDexCallbackAddress ​
thrown when dex callback is not from dex
uint256 internal constant Vault__InvalidDexCallbackAddress = 31036;
Vault__DexFromAddressAlreadySet ​
thrown when dex callback is already set
uint256 internal constant Vault__DexFromAddressAlreadySet = 31037;
ERC721__InvalidParams ​
| | ERC721 | |__________________________________
uint256 internal constant ERC721__InvalidParams = 32001;
ERC721__Unauthorized ​
uint256 internal constant ERC721__Unauthorized = 32002;
ERC721__InvalidOperation ​
uint256 internal constant ERC721__InvalidOperation = 32003;
ERC721__UnsafeRecipient ​
uint256 internal constant ERC721__UnsafeRecipient = 32004;
ERC721__OutOfBoundsIndex ​
uint256 internal constant ERC721__OutOfBoundsIndex = 32005;
VaultAdmin__ValueAboveLimit ​
| | Vault Admin | |__________________________________
thrown when admin tries to setup invalid value which are crossing limits
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__ValueAboveLimit = 33001;
VaultAdmin__OnlyDelegateCallAllowed ​
when someone directly calls admin implementation contract
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__OnlyDelegateCallAllowed = 33002;
VaultAdmin__NftIdShouldBeNonZero ​
thrown when auth sends NFT ID as 0 while collecting dust debt
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__NftIdShouldBeNonZero = 33003;
VaultAdmin__NftNotOfThisVault ​
thrown when trying to collect dust debt of NFT which is not of this vault
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__NftNotOfThisVault = 33004;
VaultAdmin__DustDebtIsZero ​
thrown when dust debt of NFT is 0, meaning nothing to collect
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__DustDebtIsZero = 33005;
VaultAdmin__FinalDebtShouldBeZero ​
thrown when final debt after liquidation is not 0, meaning position 100% liquidated
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__FinalDebtShouldBeZero = 33006;
VaultAdmin__NftNotLiquidated ​
thrown when NFT is not liquidated state
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__NftNotLiquidated = 33007;
VaultAdmin__AbsorbedDustDebtIsZero ​
thrown when total absorbed dust debt is 0
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__AbsorbedDustDebtIsZero = 33008;
VaultAdmin__AddressZeroNotAllowed ​
thrown when address is set as 0
uint256 internal constant VaultAdmin__AddressZeroNotAllowed = 33009;
VaultRewards__Unauthorized ​
| | Vault Rewards | |__________________________________
uint256 internal constant VaultRewards__Unauthorized = 34001;
VaultRewards__AddressZero ​
uint256 internal constant VaultRewards__AddressZero = 34002;
VaultRewards__InvalidParams ​
uint256 internal constant VaultRewards__InvalidParams = 34003;
VaultRewards__NewMagnifierSameAsOldMagnifier ​
uint256 internal constant VaultRewards__NewMagnifierSameAsOldMagnifier = 34004;
VaultRewards__NotTheInitiator ​
uint256 internal constant VaultRewards__NotTheInitiator = 34005;
VaultRewards__AlreadyStarted ​
uint256 internal constant VaultRewards__AlreadyStarted = 34006;
VaultRewards__RewardsNotStartedOrEnded ​
uint256 internal constant VaultRewards__RewardsNotStartedOrEnded = 34007;
VaultDex__InvalidOperateAmount ​
| | Vault DEX Types | |__________________________________
uint256 internal constant VaultDex__InvalidOperateAmount = 35001;
VaultDex__DebtSharesPaidMoreThanAvailableLiquidation ​
uint256 internal constant VaultDex__DebtSharesPaidMoreThanAvailableLiquidation = 35002;