DexSmartDebtPegOracle ​
Gets the exchange rate between a Fluid Dex normal collateral and smart debt.
plugs result of DexSmartDebtOracleImpl into any existing FluidOracle. result of DexSmartDebtOracleImpl is e.g. for USDC/USDT smart debt, USDC amount per 1 share. we need share in relation to 1 col. so e.g. USDC/USDT debt w.r.t. ETH col. so plug result into ETH/USDC oracle then we get shares per 1 ETH. can be paired with DexSmartColOracle to create an Oracle for type 4 smart col & smart debt.
contract IFluidOracle _COL_DEBT_ORACLE
external IFluidOracle used to convert from debt shares to a Fluid vault debt token
constructor ​
constructor(string infoName_, address dexPool_, address reservesConversionOracle_, bool quoteInToken0_, bool reservesConversionInvert_, uint256 reservesPegBufferPercent_, contract IFluidOracle colDebtOracle_, bool colDebtInvert_, uint8 colDebtDecimals_) public
getExchangeRateOperate ​
function getExchangeRateOperate() public view virtual returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)
Get the exchangeRate_
between the underlying asset and the peg asset in 1e27 for operates
getExchangeRateLiquidate ​
function getExchangeRateLiquidate() public view virtual returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)
Get the exchangeRate_
between the underlying asset and the peg asset in 1e27 for liquidations
getExchangeRate ​
function getExchangeRate() public view virtual returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)
Deprecated. Use getExchangeRateOperate()
and getExchangeRateLiquidate()
instead. Only implemented for backwards compatibility.
getDexSmartDebtOracleData ​
function getDexSmartDebtOracleData() public view returns (address colDebtOracle_, bool colDebtInvert_, uint8 colDebtDecimals_)
Returns Col/Debt Oracle data