FluidLendingResolver ​
Fluid Lending protocol (fTokens) resolver Implements various view-only methods to give easy access to Lending protocol data.
address that is mapped to the chain native token
contract IFluidLendingFactory LENDING_FACTORY
returns the lending factory address
contract IFluidLiquidityResolver LIQUIDITY_RESOLVER
returns the liquidity resolver address
FluidLendingResolver__AddressZero ​
error FluidLendingResolver__AddressZero()
thrown if an input param address is zero
constructor ​
constructor(contract IFluidLendingFactory lendingFactory_, contract IFluidLiquidityResolver liquidityResolver_) public
constructor sets the immutable LENDING_FACTORY
isLendingFactoryAuth ​
function isLendingFactoryAuth(address auth_) external view returns (bool)
reads if a certain auth_
address is an allowed auth or not. Owner is auth by default.
isLendingFactoryDeployer ​
function isLendingFactoryDeployer(address deployer_) external view returns (bool)
reads if a certain deployer_
address is an allowed deployer or not. Owner is deployer by default.
getAllFTokenTypes ​
function getAllFTokenTypes() public view returns (string[])
returns all fToken types at the LENDING_FACTORY
getAllFTokens ​
function getAllFTokens() public view returns (address[])
returns all created fTokens at the LENDING_FACTORY
computeFToken ​
function computeFToken(address asset_, string fTokenType_) external view returns (address)
computes deterministic token address for asset_
for a lending protocol
Parameters ​
Name | Type | Description |
asset_ | address | address of the asset |
fTokenType_ | string | type of fToken: - if underlying asset supports EIP-2612, the fToken should be type EIP2612Deposits - otherwise it should use Permit2Deposits - if it's the native token, it should use NativeUnderlying - could be more types available, check fTokenTypes() |
Return Values ​
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | address | token_ detemrinistic address of the computed token |
getFTokenDetails ​
function getFTokenDetails(contract IFToken fToken_) public view returns (struct Structs.FTokenDetails fTokenDetails_)
gets all public details for a certain fToken_
, such as fToken type, name, symbol, decimals, underlying asset, total amounts, convertTo values, rewards. Note it also returns whether the fToken supports deposits / mints via EIP-2612, but it is not a 100% guarantee! To make sure, check for the underlying if it supports EIP-2612 manually.
Parameters ​
Name | Type | Description |
fToken_ | contract IFToken | the fToken to get the details for |
Return Values ​
Name | Type | Description |
fTokenDetails_ | struct Structs.FTokenDetails | retrieved FTokenDetails struct |
getFTokenInternalData ​
function getFTokenInternalData(contract IFToken fToken_) public view returns (contract IFluidLiquidity liquidity_, contract IFluidLendingFactory lendingFactory_, contract IFluidLendingRewardsRateModel lendingRewardsRateModel_, contract IAllowanceTransfer permit2_, address rebalancer_, bool rewardsActive_, uint256 liquidityBalance_, uint256 liquidityExchangePrice_, uint256 tokenExchangePrice_)
returns config, rewards and exchange prices data of an fToken.
Parameters ​
Name | Type | Description |
fToken_ | contract IFToken | the fToken to get the data for |
Return Values ​
Name | Type | Description |
liquidity_ | contract IFluidLiquidity | address of the Liquidity contract. |
lendingFactory_ | contract IFluidLendingFactory | address of the Lending factory contract. |
lendingRewardsRateModel_ | contract IFluidLendingRewardsRateModel | address of the rewards rate model contract. changeable by LendingFactory auths. |
permit2_ | contract IAllowanceTransfer | address of the Permit2 contract used for deposits / mint with signature |
rebalancer_ | address | address of the rebalancer allowed to execute rebalance() |
rewardsActive_ | bool | true if rewards are currently active |
liquidityBalance_ | uint256 | current Liquidity supply balance of address(this) for the underyling asset |
liquidityExchangePrice_ | uint256 | (updated) exchange price for the underlying assset in the liquidity protocol (without rewards) |
tokenExchangePrice_ | uint256 | (updated) exchange price between fToken and the underlying assset (with rewards) |
getFTokensEntireData ​
function getFTokensEntireData() public view returns (struct Structs.FTokenDetails[])
gets all public details for all itokens, such as fToken type, name, symbol, decimals, underlying asset, total amounts, convertTo values, rewards
getUserPositions ​
function getUserPositions(address user_) external view returns (struct Structs.FTokenDetailsUserPosition[])
gets all public details for all itokens, such as fToken type, name, symbol, decimals, underlying asset, total amounts, convertTo values, rewards and user position for each token
getFTokenRewards ​
function getFTokenRewards(contract IFToken fToken_) public view returns (contract IFluidLendingRewardsRateModel rewardsRateModel_, uint256 rewardsRate_)
gets rewards related data: the rewardsRateModel_
contract and the current rewardsRate_
for the fToken_
getFTokenRewardsRateModelConfig ​
function getFTokenRewardsRateModelConfig(contract IFToken fToken_) public view returns (uint256 duration_, uint256 startTime_, uint256 endTime_, uint256 startTvl_, uint256 maxRate_, uint256 rewardAmount_, address initiator_)
gets rewards rate model config constants
getUserPosition ​
function getUserPosition(contract IFToken fToken_, address user_) public view returns (struct Structs.UserPosition userPosition)
gets a user_
position for an fToken_
Return Values ​
Name | Type | Description |
userPosition | struct Structs.UserPosition | user position struct |
getPreviews ​
function getPreviews(contract IFToken fToken_, uint256 assets_, uint256 shares_) public view returns (uint256 previewDeposit_, uint256 previewMint_, uint256 previewWithdraw_, uint256 previewRedeem_)
gets fToken_
preview amounts for assets_
or shares_
Return Values ​
Name | Type | Description |
previewDeposit_ | uint256 | preview for deposit of assets_ |
previewMint_ | uint256 | preview for mint of shares_ |
previewWithdraw_ | uint256 | preview for withdraw of assets_ |
previewRedeem_ | uint256 | preview for redeem of shares_ |