FluidVaultT4Admin ​
Inherits:FluidVaultAdmin, VaultT4Events
Fluid Vault protocol Admin Module contract. Implements admin related methods to set configs such as liquidation params, rates oracle address etc. Methods are limited to be called via delegateCall only. Vault CoreModule is expected to call the methods implemented here after checking the msg.sender is authorized. All methods update the exchange prices in storage before changing configs.
Functions ​
updateSupplyRate ​
updates the supply rate. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000). If positive then incentives else charging
function updateSupplyRate(int256 supplyRate_) public _updateExchangePrice _verifyCaller;
updateBorrowRate ​
updates the borrow rate. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000). If positive then charging else incentives
function updateBorrowRate(int256 borrowRate_) public _updateExchangePrice _verifyCaller;
updateCoreSettings ​
updates the all Vault core settings according to input params. All input values are expected in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
function updateCoreSettings(
int256 supplyRate_,
int256 borrowRate_,
uint256 collateralFactor_,
uint256 liquidationThreshold_,
uint256 liquidationMaxLimit_,
uint256 withdrawGap_,
uint256 liquidationPenalty_,
uint256 borrowFee_
) public _updateExchangePrice _verifyCaller;