FluidLendingStakingRewards ​
rewardsToken ​
contract IERC20 rewardsToken
stakingToken ​
contract IERC20 stakingToken
_periodFinish ​
uint40 _periodFinish
lastUpdateTime ​
uint40 lastUpdateTime
_rewardsDuration ​
uint40 _rewardsDuration
_rewardRate ​
uint136 _rewardRate
rewardPerTokenStored ​
uint128 rewardPerTokenStored
_totalSupply ​
uint128 _totalSupply
nextRewardsDuration ​
uint40 nextRewardsDuration
nextRewards ​
uint216 nextRewards
userRewardPerTokenPaid ​
mapping(address => uint256) userRewardPerTokenPaid
rewards ​
mapping(address => uint256) rewards
_balances ​
mapping(address => uint256) _balances
constructor ​
constructor(address owner_, contract IERC20 rewardsToken_, contract IERC20 stakingToken_, uint40 rewardsDuration_) public
nextPeriodFinish ​
function nextPeriodFinish() public view returns (uint256)
nextRewardRate ​
function nextRewardRate() public view returns (uint256)
periodFinish ​
function periodFinish() public view returns (uint256)
rewardRate ​
function rewardRate() public view returns (uint256)
rewardsDuration ​
function rewardsDuration() public view returns (uint256)
totalSupply ​
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256)
balanceOf ​
function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256)
lastTimeRewardApplicable ​
function lastTimeRewardApplicable() public view returns (uint256)
gets last time where rewards accrue, also considering already queued next rewards
rewardPerToken ​
function rewardPerToken() public view returns (uint256 rewardPerToken_)
gets reward amount per token, also considering automatic transition to queued next rewards
earned ​
function earned(address account) public view returns (uint256)
gets earned reward amount for an account
, also considering automatic transition to queued next rewards
getRewardForDuration ​
function getRewardForDuration() public view returns (uint256)
gets reward amount for current duration, also considering automatic transition to queued next rewards
stakeWithPermit ​
function stakeWithPermit(uint256 amount, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external
stake ​
function stake(uint256 amount) external
withdraw ​
function withdraw(uint256 amount) public
getReward ​
function getReward() public
exit ​
function exit() external
updateRewards ​
function updateRewards() public
updates rewards until current block.timestamp or periodFinish
. Transitions to next rewards if previous rewards ended and next ones were queued.
queueNextRewardAmount ​
function queueNextRewardAmount(uint216 nextReward_, uint40 nextDuration_) external
queues next rewards that will be transitioned to automatically after current rewards reach periodFinish
notifyRewardAmountWithDuration ​
function notifyRewardAmountWithDuration(uint256 reward_, uint40 newDuration_) external
add new rewards and update reward duration AFTER a reward period has ended.
notifyRewardAmount ​
function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 reward_) public
add new rewards or top-up adding to current rewards, adjusting rewardRate going forward for leftover + newReward until block.timestamp + duration
spell ​
function spell(address target_, bytes data_) external returns (bytes response_)
Spell allows owner aka governance to do any arbitrary call
Parameters ​
Name | Type | Description |
target_ | address | Address to which the call needs to be delegated |
data_ | bytes | Data to execute at the delegated address |
updateReward ​
modifier updateReward(address account)
RewardAdded ​
event RewardAdded(uint256 reward)
Staked ​
event Staked(address user, uint256 amount)
Withdrawn ​
event Withdrawn(address user, uint256 amount)
RewardPaid ​
event RewardPaid(address user, uint256 reward)
NextRewardQueued ​
event NextRewardQueued(uint256 reward, uint256 duration)