UniV3OracleImpl ​
Inherits: OracleError
This contract is used to get the exchange rate from from a Uniswap V3 Pool, including logic to check against TWAP max deltas.
Uses 5 secondsAgos[] values and 3 TWAP maxDeltas: e.g. [240, 60, 15, 1, 0] -> [price240to60, price60to15, price 15to1, currentPrice] delta checks: price240to60 vs currentPrice, price60to15 vs currentPrice and 15to1 vs currentPrice.
State Variables ​
Uniswap V3 Pool to check for the exchange rate
IUniswapV3Pool internal immutable _POOL;
Flag to invert the price or not (to e.g. for WETH/USDC pool return prive of USDC per 1 WETH)
bool internal immutable _UNIV3_INVERT_RATE;
Uniswap oracle delta for TWAP1 in 1e2 percent. If uniswap price TWAP1 is out of this delta, current price fetching reverts. E.g. for delta of TWAP 240 -> 60 vs current price
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_TWAP1_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT;
Uniswap oracle delta for TWAP2 in 1e2 percent. If uniswap price TWAP2 is out of this delta, current price fetching reverts. E.g. for delta of TWAP 60 -> 15 vs current price
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_TWAP2_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT;
Uniswap oracle delta for TWAP3 in 1e2 percent. If uniswap price TWAP3 is out of this delta, current price fetching reverts. E.g. for delta of TWAP 15 -> 1 vs current price
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_TWAP3_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT;
Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 1. value, e.g. 240
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_1;
Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 2. value, e.g. 60
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_2;
Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 3. value, e.g. 15
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_3;
Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 4. value, e.g. 1
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_4;
Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 5. value, e.g. 0
uint256 internal immutable _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_5;
Uniswap TWAP1 interval duration.
int256 internal immutable _UNI_TWAP1_INTERVAL;
Uniswap TWAP2 interval duration.
int256 internal immutable _UNI_TWAP2_INTERVAL;
Uniswap TWAP3 interval duration.
int256 internal immutable _UNI_TWAP3_INTERVAL;
Uniswap TWAP4 interval duration.
int256 internal immutable _UNI_TWAP4_INTERVAL;
stored array lengths to optimize gas
uint256 internal constant _SECONDS_AGOS_LENGTH = 5;
uint256 internal constant _TWAP_DELTAS_LENGTH = 3;
constant value for price scaling to reduce gas usage
uint256 internal immutable _UNIV3_PRICE_SCALER_MULTIPLIER;
constant value for inverting price to reduce gas usage
uint256 internal immutable _UNIV3_INVERT_PRICE_DIVIDEND;
Functions ​
constructor ​
constructor sets the Uniswap V3 pool_
to check for the exchange rate and the invertRate_
flag. E.g. invertRate_
should be true if for the WETH/USDC pool it's expected that the oracle returns USDC per 1 WETH
constructor(UniV3ConstructorParams memory params_);
_getUniV3ExchangeRateUnsafe ​
Get the last exchange rate from the pool's last observed value without any checks
function _getUniV3ExchangeRateUnsafe() internal view returns (uint256 exchangeRateUnsafe_);
Name | Type | Description |
exchangeRateUnsafe_ | uint256 | The exchange rate between the underlying asset and the peg asset in OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS |
_getUniV3ExchangeRate ​
Get the last exchange rate from the pool's last observed value, checked against TWAP deviations.
function _getUniV3ExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256 exchangeRate_);
Name | Type | Description |
exchangeRate_ | uint256 | The exchange rate between the underlying asset and the peg asset in OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS If 0 then the fetching the price failed or a delta was invalid. |
_isInvalidTWAPDelta ​
verifies that exchangeRate_
is within maxDelta_
for derived price from tickCumulativesDelta_
and interval_
. returns true if delta is invalid
function _isInvalidTWAPDelta(int256 exchangeRateTick_, int256 tickCumulativesDelta_, int256 interval_, int256 maxDelta_)
returns (bool);
uniV3OracleData ​
returns all UniV3 oracle related data as utility for easy off-chain use / block explorer in a single view method
function uniV3OracleData()
returns (
IUniswapV3Pool uniV3Pool_,
bool uniV3InvertRate_,
uint32[] memory uniV3secondsAgos_,
uint256[] memory uniV3TwapDeltas_,
uint256 uniV3exchangeRateUnsafe_,
uint256 uniV3exchangeRate_
_getPriceFromSqrtPriceX96 ​
Get the price from the sqrt price in OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS
(see https://blog.uniswap.org/uniswap-v3-math-primer)
function _getPriceFromSqrtPriceX96(uint160 sqrtPriceX96_) private view returns (uint256 priceX96_);
Name | Type | Description |
sqrtPriceX96_ | uint160 | The sqrt price to convert |
_invertUniV3Price ​
Invert the price
function _invertUniV3Price(uint256 price_) private view returns (uint256 invertedPrice_);
Name | Type | Description |
price_ | uint256 | The price to invert |
Name | Type | Description |
invertedPrice_ | uint256 | The inverted price in OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS |
Structs ​
UniV3ConstructorParams ​
struct UniV3ConstructorParams {
IUniswapV3Pool pool;
bool invertRate;
uint256[_TWAP_DELTAS_LENGTH] tWAPMaxDeltaPercents;
uint32[_SECONDS_AGOS_LENGTH] secondsAgos;