IFluidDexT1 ​
Functions ​
returns the dex id
function DEX_ID() external view returns (uint256);
readFromStorage ​
reads uint256 data result_
from storage at a bytes32 storage slot_
function readFromStorage(bytes32 slot_) external view returns (uint256 result_);
getCollateralReserves ​
function getCollateralReserves(
uint256 geometricMean_,
uint256 upperRange_,
uint256 lowerRange_,
uint256 token0SupplyExchangePrice_,
uint256 token1SupplyExchangePrice_
) external view returns (CollateralReserves memory c_);
getDebtReserves ​
function getDebtReserves(
uint256 geometricMean_,
uint256 upperRange_,
uint256 lowerRange_,
uint256 token0BorrowExchangePrice_,
uint256 token1BorrowExchangePrice_
) external view returns (DebtReserves memory d_);
getPricesAndExchangePrices ​
function getPricesAndExchangePrices() external;
constantsView ​
function constantsView() external view returns (ConstantViews memory constantsView_);
constantsView2 ​
function constantsView2() external view returns (ConstantViews2 memory constantsView2_);
swapIn ​
This function allows users to swap a specific amount of input tokens for output tokens
function swapIn(bool swap0to1_, uint256 amountIn_, uint256 amountOutMin_, address to_)
returns (uint256 amountOut_);
Name | Type | Description |
swap0to1_ | bool | Direction of swap. If true, swaps token0 for token1; if false, swaps token1 for token0 |
amountIn_ | uint256 | The exact amount of input tokens to swap |
amountOutMin_ | uint256 | The minimum amount of output tokens the user is willing to accept |
to_ | address | Recipient of swapped tokens. If to_ == address(0) then out tokens will be sent to msg.sender. If to_ == ADDRESS_DEAD then function will revert with amountOut_ |
Name | Type | Description |
amountOut_ | uint256 | The amount of output tokens received from the swap |
swapOut ​
Swap tokens with perfect amount out
function swapOut(bool swap0to1_, uint256 amountOut_, uint256 amountInMax_, address to_)
returns (uint256 amountIn_);
Name | Type | Description |
swap0to1_ | bool | Direction of swap. If true, swaps token0 for token1; if false, swaps token1 for token0 |
amountOut_ | uint256 | The exact amount of tokens to receive after swap |
amountInMax_ | uint256 | Maximum amount of tokens to swap in |
to_ | address | Recipient of swapped tokens. If to_ == address(0) then out tokens will be sent to msg.sender. If to_ == ADDRESS_DEAD then function will revert with amountIn_ |
Name | Type | Description |
amountIn_ | uint256 | The amount of input tokens used for the swap |
depositPerfect ​
Deposit tokens in equal proportion to the current pool ratio
function depositPerfect(uint256 shares_, uint256 maxToken0Deposit_, uint256 maxToken1Deposit_, bool estimate_)
returns (uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_);
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The number of shares to mint |
maxToken0Deposit_ | uint256 | Maximum amount of token0 to deposit |
maxToken1Deposit_ | uint256 | Maximum amount of token1 to deposit |
estimate_ | bool | If true, function will revert with estimated deposit amounts without executing the deposit |
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | Amount of token0 deposited |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | Amount of token1 deposited |
withdrawPerfect ​
This function allows users to withdraw a perfect amount of collateral liquidity
function withdrawPerfect(uint256 shares_, uint256 minToken0Withdraw_, uint256 minToken1Withdraw_, address to_)
returns (uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_);
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The number of shares to withdraw |
minToken0Withdraw_ | uint256 | The minimum amount of token0 the user is willing to accept |
minToken1Withdraw_ | uint256 | The minimum amount of token1 the user is willing to accept |
to_ | address | Recipient of swapped tokens. If to_ == address(0) then out tokens will be sent to msg.sender. If to_ == ADDRESS_DEAD then function will revert with token0Amt_ & token1Amt_ |
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token0 withdrawn |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token1 withdrawn |
borrowPerfect ​
This function allows users to borrow tokens in equal proportion to the current debt pool ratio
function borrowPerfect(uint256 shares_, uint256 minToken0Borrow_, uint256 minToken1Borrow_, address to_)
returns (uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_);
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The number of shares to borrow |
minToken0Borrow_ | uint256 | Minimum amount of token0 to borrow |
minToken1Borrow_ | uint256 | Minimum amount of token1 to borrow |
to_ | address | Recipient of swapped tokens. If to_ == address(0) then out tokens will be sent to msg.sender. If to_ == ADDRESS_DEAD then function will revert with token0Amt_ & token1Amt_ |
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | Amount of token0 borrowed |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | Amount of token1 borrowed |
paybackPerfect ​
This function allows users to pay back borrowed tokens in equal proportion to the current debt pool ratio
function paybackPerfect(uint256 shares_, uint256 maxToken0Payback_, uint256 maxToken1Payback_, bool estimate_)
returns (uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_);
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The number of shares to pay back |
maxToken0Payback_ | uint256 | Maximum amount of token0 to pay back |
maxToken1Payback_ | uint256 | Maximum amount of token1 to pay back |
estimate_ | bool | If true, function will revert with estimated payback amounts without executing the payback |
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | Amount of token0 paid back |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | Amount of token1 paid back |
deposit ​
This function allows users to deposit tokens in any proportion into the col pool
function deposit(uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_, uint256 minSharesAmt_, bool estimate_)
returns (uint256 shares_);
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token0 to deposit |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token1 to deposit |
minSharesAmt_ | uint256 | The minimum amount of shares the user expects to receive |
estimate_ | bool | If true, function will revert with estimated shares without executing the deposit |
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The amount of shares minted for the deposit |
withdraw ​
This function allows users to withdraw tokens in any proportion from the col pool
function withdraw(uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_, uint256 maxSharesAmt_, address to_)
returns (uint256 shares_);
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token0 to withdraw |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token1 to withdraw |
maxSharesAmt_ | uint256 | The maximum number of shares the user is willing to burn |
to_ | address | Recipient of swapped tokens. If to_ == address(0) then out tokens will be sent to msg.sender. If to_ == ADDRESS_DEAD then function will revert with shares_ |
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The number of shares burned for the withdrawal |
borrow ​
This function allows users to borrow tokens in any proportion from the debt pool
function borrow(uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_, uint256 maxSharesAmt_, address to_)
returns (uint256 shares_);
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token0 to borrow |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token1 to borrow |
maxSharesAmt_ | uint256 | The maximum amount of shares the user is willing to receive |
to_ | address | Recipient of swapped tokens. If to_ == address(0) then out tokens will be sent to msg.sender. If to_ == ADDRESS_DEAD then function will revert with shares_ |
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The amount of borrow shares minted to represent the borrowed amount |
payback ​
This function allows users to payback tokens in any proportion to the debt pool
function payback(uint256 token0Amt_, uint256 token1Amt_, uint256 minSharesAmt_, bool estimate_)
returns (uint256 shares_);
Name | Type | Description |
token0Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token0 to payback |
token1Amt_ | uint256 | The amount of token1 to payback |
minSharesAmt_ | uint256 | The minimum amount of shares the user expects to burn |
estimate_ | bool | If true, function will revert with estimated shares without executing the payback |
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The amount of borrow shares burned for the payback |
withdrawPerfectInOneToken ​
This function allows users to withdraw their collateral with perfect shares in one token
function withdrawPerfectInOneToken(uint256 shares_, uint256 minToken0_, uint256 minToken1_, address to_)
returns (uint256 withdrawAmt_);
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The number of shares to burn for withdrawal |
minToken0_ | uint256 | The minimum amount of token0 the user expects to receive (set to 0 if withdrawing in token1) |
minToken1_ | uint256 | The minimum amount of token1 the user expects to receive (set to 0 if withdrawing in token0) |
to_ | address | Recipient of swapped tokens. If to_ == address(0) then out tokens will be sent to msg.sender. If to_ == ADDRESS_DEAD then function will revert with withdrawAmt_ |
Name | Type | Description |
withdrawAmt_ | uint256 | The amount of tokens withdrawn in the chosen token |
paybackPerfectInOneToken ​
This function allows users to payback their debt with perfect shares in one token
function paybackPerfectInOneToken(uint256 shares_, uint256 maxToken0_, uint256 maxToken1_, bool estimate_)
returns (uint256 paybackAmt_);
Name | Type | Description |
shares_ | uint256 | The number of shares to burn for payback |
maxToken0_ | uint256 | The maximum amount of token0 the user is willing to pay (set to 0 if paying back in token1) |
maxToken1_ | uint256 | The maximum amount of token1 the user is willing to pay (set to 0 if paying back in token0) |
estimate_ | bool | If true, the function will revert with the estimated payback amount without executing the payback |
Name | Type | Description |
paybackAmt_ | uint256 | The amount of tokens paid back in the chosen token |
oraclePrice ​
the oracle assumes last set price of pool till the next swap happens. There's a possibility that during that time some interest is generated hence the last stored price is not the 100% correct price for the whole duration but the difference due to interest will be super low so this difference is ignored For example 2 swaps happened 10min (600 seconds) apart and 1 token has 10% higher interest than other. then that token will accrue about 10% * 600 / secondsInAYear = ~0.0002%
function oraclePrice(uint256[] memory secondsAgos_)
returns (Oracle[] memory twaps_, uint256 currentPrice_);
Name | Type | Description |
secondsAgos_ | uint256[] | array of seconds ago for which TWAP is needed. If user sends [10, 30, 60] then twaps_ will return [10-0, 30-10, 60-30] |
Name | Type | Description |
twaps_ | Oracle[] | twap price, lowest price (aka minima) & highest price (aka maxima) between secondsAgo checkpoints |
currentPrice_ | uint256 | price of pool after the most recent swap |
Errors ​
FluidDexError ​
error FluidDexError(uint256 errorId);
FluidDexSwapResult ​
used to simulate swap to find the output amount
error FluidDexSwapResult(uint256 amountOut);
FluidDexPerfectLiquidityOutput ​
error FluidDexPerfectLiquidityOutput(uint256 token0Amt, uint256 token1Amt);
FluidDexSingleTokenOutput ​
error FluidDexSingleTokenOutput(uint256 tokenAmt);
FluidDexLiquidityOutput ​
error FluidDexLiquidityOutput(uint256 shares);
FluidDexPricesAndExchangeRates ​
error FluidDexPricesAndExchangeRates(PricesAndExchangePrice pex_);
Structs ​
Implementations ​
struct Implementations {
address shift;
address admin;
address colOperations;
address debtOperations;
address perfectOperationsAndOracle;
ConstantViews ​
struct ConstantViews {
uint256 dexId;
address liquidity;
address factory;
Implementations implementations;
address deployerContract;
address token0;
address token1;
bytes32 supplyToken0Slot;
bytes32 borrowToken0Slot;
bytes32 supplyToken1Slot;
bytes32 borrowToken1Slot;
bytes32 exchangePriceToken0Slot;
bytes32 exchangePriceToken1Slot;
uint256 oracleMapping;
ConstantViews2 ​
struct ConstantViews2 {
uint256 token0NumeratorPrecision;
uint256 token0DenominatorPrecision;
uint256 token1NumeratorPrecision;
uint256 token1DenominatorPrecision;
PricesAndExchangePrice ​
struct PricesAndExchangePrice {
uint256 lastStoredPrice;
uint256 centerPrice;
uint256 upperRange;
uint256 lowerRange;
uint256 geometricMean;
uint256 supplyToken0ExchangePrice;
uint256 borrowToken0ExchangePrice;
uint256 supplyToken1ExchangePrice;
uint256 borrowToken1ExchangePrice;
CollateralReserves ​
struct CollateralReserves {
uint256 token0RealReserves;
uint256 token1RealReserves;
uint256 token0ImaginaryReserves;
uint256 token1ImaginaryReserves;
DebtReserves ​
struct DebtReserves {
uint256 token0Debt;
uint256 token1Debt;
uint256 token0RealReserves;
uint256 token1RealReserves;
uint256 token0ImaginaryReserves;
uint256 token1ImaginaryReserves;
Oracle ​
struct Oracle {
uint256 twap1by0;
uint256 lowestPrice1by0;
uint256 highestPrice1by0;
uint256 twap0by1;
uint256 lowestPrice0by1;
uint256 highestPrice0by1;