
Git Source

Inherits: Owned, ERC721, StorageRead

State Variables


ERC721 tokens name

string internal constant ERC721_NAME = "Fluid Vault";


ERC721 tokens symbol

string internal constant ERC721_SYMBOL = "fVLT";


deployer can deploy new Vault contract owner can add/remove deployer. Owner is deployer by default.

mapping(address => bool) internal _deployers;


global auths can update any vault config. owner can add/remove global auths. Owner is global auth by default.

mapping(address => bool) internal _globalAuths;


vault auths can update specific vault config. owner can add/remove vault auths. Owner is vault auth by default. vault => auth => add/remove

mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) internal _vaultAuths;


total no of vaults deployed by the factory only addresses that have deployer role or owner can deploy new vault.

uint256 internal _totalVaults;


vault deployment logics for deploying vault These logic contracts hold the deployment logics of specific vaults and are called via .delegatecall inside deployVault(). only addresses that have owner can add/remove new vault deployment logic.

mapping(address => bool) internal _vaultDeploymentLogics;



constructor(address owner_) Owned(owner_) ERC721(ERC721_NAME, ERC721_SYMBOL);