
This contract is used to get the exchange rate via up to 3 hops at Chainlink price feeds. The rate is multiplied with the previous rate at each hop. E.g. to go from wBTC to USDC (assuming rates for example): 1. wBTC -> BTC, rate: 0.92. 2. BTC -> USD rate: 30,000. 3. USD -> USDC rate: 0.98. Must invert feed: 1.02 finale rate would be: 0.92 _ 30,000 _ 1.02 = 28,152


contract IChainlinkAggregatorV3 _CHAINLINK2_FEED1

Chainlink price feed 1 to check for the exchange rate


contract IChainlinkAggregatorV3 _CHAINLINK2_FEED2

Chainlink price feed 2 to check for the exchange rate


contract IChainlinkAggregatorV3 _CHAINLINK2_FEED3

Chainlink price feed 3 to check for the exchange rate



Flag to invert the price or not for feed 1 (to e.g. for WETH/USDC pool return prive of USDC per 1 WETH)



Flag to invert the price or not for feed 2 (to e.g. for WETH/USDC pool return prive of USDC per 1 WETH)



Flag to invert the price or not for feed 3 (to e.g. for WETH/USDC pool return prive of USDC per 1 WETH)



constant value for price scaling to reduce gas usage for feed 1



constant value for inverting price to reduce gas usage for feed 1



constant value for price scaling to reduce gas usage for feed 2



constant value for inverting price to reduce gas usage for feed 2



constant value for price scaling to reduce gas usage for feed 3



constant value for inverting price to reduce gas usage for feed 3


constructor(struct ChainlinkStructs.ChainlinkConstructorParams params_) internal

constructor sets the Chainlink price feed and invertRate flag for each hop. E.g. invertRate_ should be true if for the USDC/ETH pool it's expected that the oracle returns USDC per 1 ETH


function _getChainlinkExchangeRate2() internal view returns (uint256 rate_)

Get the exchange rate from Chainlike oracle price feed(s)

Return Values

rate_uint256The exchange rate in OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS


function chainlinkOracleData2() public view returns (uint256 chainlinkExchangeRate_, contract IChainlinkAggregatorV3 chainlinkFeed1_, bool chainlinkInvertRate1_, uint256 chainlinkExchangeRate1_, contract IChainlinkAggregatorV3 chainlinkFeed2_, bool chainlinkInvertRate2_, uint256 chainlinkExchangeRate2_, contract IChainlinkAggregatorV3 chainlinkFeed3_, bool chainlinkInvertRate3_, uint256 chainlinkExchangeRate3_)

returns all Chainlink oracle related data as utility for easy off-chain use / block explorer in a single view method