
Git Source

Inherits: Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable, Constants, Structs

State Variables


maps claimTo address and requestIdFrom to the Claim struct containing necessary information for executing the claim process.

mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Claim)) public claims;


status for reentrancy guard

uint8 internal _status;


maximum allowed percentage of LTV (loan-to-value). E.g. 90% -> max. 90 ETH can be borrowed with 100 stETH as collateral in withdrawal queue. ETH will be received at time of claim to cover the paid borrowed ETH amount. In 1e2 (1% = 100, 90% = 9_000, 100% = 10_000). Configurable by auths.

uint16 public maxLTV;


flag whether allow list behavior is enabled or not.

bool public allowListActive;


auths can update maxLTV. owner can add/remove auths. Owner is auth by default.

mapping(address => uint256) internal _auths;


guardians can pause/unpause queue() and claim(). owner can add/remove guardians. Owner is guardian by default.

mapping(address => uint256) internal _guardians;


allowed users can use the StETH protocol (if allowListActive is true, then use is open for everyone). owner and auths can add/remove allowed users.

mapping(address => uint256) internal _allowed;



constructor(IFluidLiquidity liquidity_, ILidoWithdrawalQueue lidoWithdrawalQueue_, IERC20 stETH_)
    Constants(liquidity_, lidoWithdrawalQueue_, stETH_);