
Git Source

Inherits: Owned, Error, IFluidLendingFactory

State Variables


address of the Liquidity contract.

IFluidLiquidity public immutable LIQUIDITY;


address that is mapped to the chain native token

address internal constant _NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE;


auths can update rewards related config at created fToken contracts. owner can add/remove auths. Owner is auth by default.

mapping(address => uint256) internal _auths;


deployers can deploy new fTokens. owner can add/remove deployers. Owner is deployer by default.

mapping(address => uint256) internal _deployers;


list of all created tokens. Solidity creates an automatic getter only to fetch at a certain position, so explicitly define a getter that returns all.

address[] internal _allTokens;


available fTokenTypes for deployment. At least EIP2612Deposits, Permit2Deposits, NativeUnderlying. Solidity creates an automatic getter only to fetch at a certain position, so explicitly define a getter that returns all.

string[] internal _fTokenTypes;


fToken creation code for each fTokenType, accessed via SSTORE2. maps keccak256(abi.encode(fTokenType)) -> SSTORE2 written creation code for the fToken contract

mapping(bytes32 => address) internal _fTokenCreationCodePointers;



constructor(IFluidLiquidity liquidity_, address owner_) Owned(owner_);


list of all created tokens

function allTokens() public view returns (address[] memory);


list of all fToken types that can be deployed

function fTokenTypes() public view returns (string[] memory);


returns the creation code for a certain fTokenType_

function fTokenCreationCode(string memory fTokenType_) public view returns (bytes memory);