

struct SigsSlot {
  bytes4[] value;


bytes32 _ADMIN_SLOT

Storage slot with the admin of the contract. This is the keccak-256 hash of "eip1967.proxy.admin" subtracted by 1, and is validated in the constructor.



Storage slot with the address of the current dummy-implementation. This is the keccak-256 hash of "eip1967.proxy.implementation" subtracted by 1, and is validated in the constructor.


bytes32 _SIG_SLOT_BASE

use EIP1967 proxy slot (see _DUMMY_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT) except for first 4 bytes,


function _getSlotImplSigsSlot(address implementation_) internal pure returns (bytes32)

Returns the storage slot which stores the sigs array set for the implementation.


function _getSlotSigsImplSlot(bytes4 sig_) internal pure returns (bytes32 result_)

Returns the storage slot which stores the implementation address for the function sig.


function _getAddressSlot(bytes32 slot_) internal view returns (address data_)

_Returns an address data_located atslot*.*


function _setAddressSlot(bytes32 slot_, address data_) internal

_Sets an address data_located atslot*.*


function _getSigsSlot(bytes32 slot_) internal pure returns (struct CoreInternals.SigsSlot _r)

Returns an SigsSlot with member value located at slot.


function _setImplementationSigs(address implementation_, bytes4[] sigs_) internal

Sets new implementation and adds mapping from implementation to sigs and sig to implementation.


function _removeImplementationSigs(address implementation_) internal

Removes implementation and the mappings corresponding to it.


function _getImplementationSigs(address implementation_) internal view returns (bytes4[])

Returns bytes4 sigs from implementation address. If implemenatation is not registered then returns empty array.


function _getSigImplementation(bytes4 sig_) internal view returns (address implementation_)

Returns implementation address from bytes4 sig. If sig is not registered then returns address(0).


function _getAdmin() internal view returns (address)

Returns the current admin.


function _getDummyImplementation() internal view returns (address)

Returns the current dummy-implementation.


function _setAdmin(address newAdmin_) internal

Stores a new address in the EIP1967 admin slot.


function _setDummyImplementation(address newDummyImplementation_) internal

Stores a new address in the EIP1967 implementation slot.



modifier onlyAdmin()

Only admin guard


constructor(address admin_, address dummyImplementation_) public


function setAdmin(address newAdmin_) external

Sets new admin.


function setDummyImplementation(address newDummyImplementation_) external

Sets new dummy-implementation.


function addImplementation(address implementation_, bytes4[] sigs_) external

Adds new implementation address.


function removeImplementation(address implementation_) external

Removes an existing implementation address.


This abstract contract provides a fallback function that delegates all calls to another contract using the EVM. It implements the Instadapp infinite-proxy:


constructor(address admin_, address dummyImplementation_) internal


function getAdmin() external view returns (address)

Returns admin's address.


function getDummyImplementation() external view returns (address)

Returns dummy-implementations's address.


function getImplementationSigs(address impl_) external view returns (bytes4[])

Returns bytes4 sigs from implementation address If not registered then returns empty array.


function getSigsImplementation(bytes4 sig_) external view returns (address)

Returns implementation address from bytes4 sig. If sig is not registered then returns address(0).


fallback() external payable

Fallback function that delegates calls to the address returned by Implementations registry.


receive() external payable