
Gets the exchange rate between the underlying asset and the peg asset by using: the price from a UniV3 pool (compared against 3 TWAPs) and (optionally) comparing it against a Chainlink or Redstone price (one of Chainlink or Redstone being the main source and the other one the fallback source). Alternatively it can also use Chainlink / Redstone as main price and use UniV3 as check price.

The process for getting the aggregate oracle price is: 1. Fetch the UniV3 TWAPS, the latest interval is used as the current price 2. Verify this price is within an acceptable DELTA from the Uniswap TWAPS e.g.: a. 240 to 60s b. 60 to 15s c. 15 to 1s (last block) d. 1 to 0s (current) 3. (unless UniV3 only mode): Verify this price is within an acceptable DELTA from the Chainlink / Redstone Oracle 4. If it passes all checks, return the price. Otherwise use fallbacks, usually to Chainlink. In extreme edge-cases revert. For UniV3 with check mode, if fetching the check price fails, the UniV3 rate is used directly.



Rate check oracle delta percent in 1e2 percent. If current uniswap price is out of this delta, current price fetching reverts.



which oracle to use as final rate source: - 1 = UniV3 ONLY (no check), - 2 = UniV3 with Chainlink / Redstone check - 3 = Chainlink / Redstone with UniV3 used as check.


struct UniV3CheckCLRSConstructorParams {
  struct UniV3OracleImpl.UniV3ConstructorParams uniV3Params;
  struct ChainlinkStructs.ChainlinkConstructorParams chainlinkParams;
  struct RedstoneStructs.RedstoneOracleData redstoneOracle;
  uint8 rateSource;
  uint8 fallbackMainSource;
  uint256 rateCheckMaxDeltaPercent;


constructor(string infoName_, struct UniV3CheckCLRSOracle.UniV3CheckCLRSConstructorParams params_) public


function getExchangeRateOperate() public view virtual returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)

Get the exchangeRate_ between the underlying asset and the peg asset in 1e27 for operates


function getExchangeRateLiquidate() public view virtual returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)

Get the exchangeRate_ between the underlying asset and the peg asset in 1e27 for liquidations


function getExchangeRate() public view virtual returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)

Deprecated. Use getExchangeRateOperate() and getExchangeRateLiquidate() instead. Only implemented for backwards compatibility.


function uniV3CheckOracleData() public view returns (uint256 rateCheckMaxDelta_, uint256 rateSource_, uint256 fallbackMainSource_)

returns all oracle related data as utility for easy off-chain / block explorer use in a single view method


function _getExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)