Solidity API


Resolver contract that helps in finding available token swaps available in Fluid.

Note that on the same protocol, if "withAbsorb = true" is executed, this also consumes the swap that would be on the same protocol with "withAbsorb = false". So the total available swap amount at a protocol if both a swap with and without absorb is available is not with inAmt + without inAmt but rather with inAmt. Sometimes with absorb can provide better swaps, sometimes without absorb can provide better swaps. But available liquidity for "withAbsorb" amounts will always be >= without absorb amounts. The "Raw" methods return both the with and without absorb swaps for the same Fluid Vault, the non-"Raw" methods automatically filter by the better ratio swap. For same cases a better optimization of ratios is possible with custom logic based on the "Raw" methods, see details in comments. for native token, send 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE. returned swaps Struct can be fed into getSwapTx to prepare the tx that executes the swaps. non-view methods in this contract are expected to be called with callStatic, although they would anyway not do any actual state changes.


error FluidVaultLiquidationsResolver__AddressZero()

thrown if an input param address is zero


error FluidVaultLiquidationsResolver__InvalidParams()

thrown if an invalid param is given to a method


constructor(contract IFluidVaultResolver vaultResolver_) public

constructor sets the immutable vault resolver address


function getAllSwapPaths() public view returns (struct Structs.SwapPath[] paths_)

returns all available token swap paths


function getSwapPaths(address tokenIn_, address tokenOut_) public view returns (struct Structs.SwapPath[] paths_)

returns all swap paths for a certain tokenIn_ swapped to a tokenOut_. returns empty array if no swap path is available for a given pair.


function getAnySwapPaths(address[] tokensIn_, address[] tokensOut_) public view returns (struct Structs.SwapPath[] paths_)

returns all available swap paths for any tokensIn_ to any tokensOut_.


function getVaultSwapData(address vault_) public returns (struct Structs.SwapData withoutAbsorb_, struct Structs.SwapData withAbsorb_)

returns the swap data for with and without absorb for a Fluid vault_.


function getVaultsSwapData(address[] vaults_) public returns (struct Structs.SwapData[] withoutAbsorb_, struct Structs.SwapData[] withAbsorb_)

returns the swap data for with and without absorb for multiple Fluid vaults_.


function getAllVaultsSwapData() public returns (struct Structs.SwapData[] withoutAbsorb_, struct Structs.SwapData[] withAbsorb_)

returns the swap data for with and without absorb for all Fluid vaults.


function getSwapForProtocol(address protocol_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap swap_)

returns the available swap amounts at a certain protocol_. Only returns non-zero swaps. For vault protocol considering both a swap that uses liquidation with absorb and without absorb.


function getVaultsSwapRaw(address[] vaults_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

returns all available swaps_ for multiple Fluid vaults_ raw. Only returns non-zero swaps. includes all swaps unfiltered, e.g. with absorb and without absorb swaps are present for the same vault.


function getAllVaultsSwapRaw() public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

returns all available swaps_ for all Fluid vaults raw. Only returns non-zero swaps. includes all swaps unfiltered, e.g. with absorb and without absorb swaps are present for the same vault.


function getSwapsForPathsRaw(struct Structs.SwapPath[] paths_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

returns all the available swaps_ for certain swap paths_. Only returns non-zero swaps. includes all swaps unfiltered, e.g. with absorb and without absorb swaps are present for the same vault.


function getSwapsRaw(address tokenIn_, address tokenOut_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

finds all available swaps_ for tokenIn_ to tokenOut_. includes all swaps unfiltered, e.g. with absorb and without absorb swaps are present for the same vault.


function getAnySwapsRaw(address[] tokensIn_, address[] tokensOut_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

finds all available swaps_ for any tokensIn_ to any tokesnOut_. Token pairs that are not available or where available swap amounts are zero will not be present in the returned swaps_ array. includes all swaps unfiltered, e.g. with absorb and without absorb swaps are present for the same vault.


function getVaultsSwap(address[] vaults_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

returns all available swaps_ for multiple Fluid vaults_. Only returns non-zero swaps. returns only either the with absorb swap or without absorb swap for each vault, whichever has the better ratio.


function getAllVaultsSwap() public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

returns all available swaps_ for all Fluid vaults. Only returns non-zero swaps. returns only either the with absorb swap or without absorb swap for each vault, whichever has the better ratio.


function getSwapsForPaths(struct Structs.SwapPath[] paths_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

returns all the available swaps_ for certain swap paths_. Only returns non-zero swaps. returns only either the with absorb swap or without absorb swap for each vault, whichever has the better ratio.


function getSwaps(address tokenIn_, address tokenOut_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

finds all available swaps_ for tokenIn_ to tokenOut_. returns only either the with absorb swap or without absorb swap for each vault, whichever has the better ratio.


function getAnySwaps(address[] tokensIn_, address[] tokensOut_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

finds all available swaps_ for any tokensIn_ to any tokesnOut_. Token pairs that are not available or where available swap amounts are zero will not be present in the returned swaps_ array. returns only either the with absorb swap or without absorb swap for each vault, whichever has the better ratio.


function getSwapTx(struct Structs.Swap swap_, address receiver_, uint256 slippage_) public pure returns (address target_, bytes calldata_)

returns the calldata to execute a swap as returned by the other methods in this contract. must come from msg.sender, goes to receiver_. If the input token is the native token, msg.value must be sent along when triggering the actual call with the returned calldata which should be


swap_struct Structs.SwapSwap struct as returned by other methods
receiver_addressreceiver address that the output token is sent to
slippage_uint256maximum allowed slippage for the expected output token amount. Reverts iIf received token out amount is lower than this. in 1e4 percentage, e.g. 1% = 10000, 0.3% = 3000, 0.01% = 100, 0.0001% = 1.

Return Values

target_addresstarget address where calldata_ must be executed
calldata_bytesthe calldata that can be used to trigger the liquidation call, resulting in the desired swap.


function getSwapTxs(struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_, address receiver_, uint256 slippage_) public pure returns (address[] targets_, bytes[] calldatas_)

returns the same data as getSwapTx for an array of input swaps_ at once.


function exactInput(address tokenIn_, address tokenOut_, uint256 inAmt_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_, uint256 actualInAmt_, uint256 outAmt_)

finds all swaps from tokenIn_ to tokenOut_ for an exact input amount inAmt_. filters the available swaps and sorts them by ratio, so the returned swaps are the best available swaps to reach the target inAmt_. If the full available amount is less than the target inAmt_, the available amount is returned as actualInAmt_.

The only cases that are currently not best possible optimized for are when the ratio for withoutAbsorb is better but the target swap amount is more than the available without absorb liquidity. For this, currently the available withAbsorb liquidity is consumed first before tapping into the better ratio withoutAbsorb liquidity. The optimized version would be to split the tx into two swaps, first executing liquidate() with absorb = false to fully swap all the withoutAbsorb liquidity, and then in the second tx run with absorb = true to fill the missing amount up to the target amount with the worse ratio with absorb liquidity.


tokenIn_addressinput token
tokenOut_addressoutput token
inAmt_uint256exact input token amount that should be swapped to output token

Return Values

swaps_struct Structs.Swapswaps to reach the target amount, sorted by ratio in descending order (higher ratio = better rate). Best ratio swap will be at pos 0, second best at pos 1 and so on.
actualInAmt_uint256actual input token amount. Can be less than inAmt_ if all available swaps can not cover the target amount.
outAmt_uint256output token amount received for actualInAmt_


function approxOutput(address tokenIn_, address tokenOut_, uint256 outAmt_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_, uint256 inAmt_, uint256 approxOutAmt_)

finds all swaps from tokenIn_ to tokenOut_ for an APPROXIMATE output amount outAmt_. filters the available swaps and sorts them by ratio, so the returned swaps are the best available swaps to reach the target outAmt_. If the full available amount is less than the target outAmt_, the available amount is returned as actualOutAmt_. IMPORTANT: guaranteed exact output swaps are not possible with Fluid, this method only aims to approximately estimate the required input amounts to reach a certain output amount. This will change until execution and should be controlled with a maximum slippage. Recommended to use exact input methods instead.

The only cases that are currently not best possible optimized for are when the ratio for withoutAbsorb is better but the target swap amount is more than the available without absorb liquidity. For this currently the available withAbsorb liquidity is consumed first before tapping into the better ratio withoutAbsorb liquidity. The optimized version would be to split the tx into two swaps, first executing liquidate() with absorb = false to fully swap all the withoutAbsorb liquidity, and then in the second tx run with absorb = true to fill the missing amount up to the target amount with the worse ratio with absorb liquidity.


tokenIn_addressinput token
tokenOut_addressoutput token
outAmt_uint256exact output token amount that should be swapped to from input token

Return Values

swaps_struct Structs.Swapswaps to reach the target amount, sorted by ratio in descending order (higher ratio = better rate). Best ratio swap will be at pos 0, second best at pos 1 and so on.
inAmt_uint256input token amount needed to receive actualOutAmt_
approxOutAmt_uint256approximate output token amount. Can be less than outAmt_ if all available swaps can not cover the target amount.


function filterToTargetInAmt(struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_, uint256 targetInAmt_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] filteredSwaps_, uint256 actualInAmt_, uint256 approxOutAmt_)

filters the swaps_ to the point where targetInAmt_ is reached. This is best used in combination with the "Raw" methods, as the targetInAmt_ allows for more optimized filtering than otherwise done with the non-"Raw" methods.

Return Values

filteredSwaps_struct Structs.Swapswaps to reach the target amount, sorted by ratio in descending order (higher ratio = better rate). Best ratio swap will be at pos 0, second best at pos 1 and so on.
actualInAmt_uint256actual input amount. Can be less than targetInAmt_ if all available swaps can not cover the target amount.
approxOutAmt_uint256actual estimated output amount.


function filterToApproxOutAmt(struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_, uint256 targetApproxOutAmt_) public returns (struct Structs.Swap[] filteredSwaps_, uint256 actualInAmt_, uint256 approxOutAmt_)

filters the swaps_ to the point where APPROXIMATELY targetOutAmt_ is reached. IMPORTANT: guaranteed exact output swaps are not possible with Fluid, this method only aims to approximately estimate the required input amounts to reach a certain output amount. This will change until execution and should be controlled with a maximum slippage. Recommended to use exact input methods instead. This is best used in combination with the "Raw" methods, as the targetInAmt_ allows for more optimized filtering than otherwise done with the non-"Raw" methods.

Return Values

filteredSwaps_struct Structs.Swapswaps to reach the target amount, sorted by ratio in descending order (higher ratio = better rate). Best ratio swap will be at pos 0, second best at pos 1 and so on.
actualInAmt_uint256actual input amount.
approxOutAmt_uint256APPROXIMATE actual output amount. Can be less than targetOutAmt_ if all available swaps can not cover the target amount.


function _filterToTarget(struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_, uint256 targetInAmt_, uint256 targetOutAmt_) internal returns (struct Structs.Swap[] filteredSwaps_, uint256 actualInAmt_, uint256 actualOutAmt_)

filters the swaps_ to the point where either targetInAmt_ or targetOutAmt_ is reached. To filter only by in or only by out amount, send type(uint256).max for the other param.

Return Values

filteredSwaps_struct Structs.Swapswaps to reach the target amount, sorted by ratio in descending order (higher ratio = better rate). Best ratio swap will be at pos 0, second best at pos 1 and so on.
actualInAmt_uint256actual input amount. Can be less than targetInAmt_ if all available swaps can not cover the target amount.
actualOutAmt_uint256actual output amount. Can be less than targetOutAmt_ if all available swaps can not cover the target amount.


function _sortByRatio(struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_) internal pure returns (struct Structs.Swap[])

sorts swaps_ by ratio descending. Higher ratio is better (getting more output for input). Best ratio swap will be at pos 0, second best at pos 1 and so on


function _filterSwapsUntilTarget(struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_, uint256 targetInAmt_, uint256 targetOutAmt_) internal returns (struct Structs.Swap[] filteredSwaps_, uint256 sumInAmt_, uint256 sumOutAmt_)

filters swaps_ to exactly reach targetInAmt_. Takes into consideration to filter out any swaps where both the withAbsorb and withoutAbsorb swap would be present for the same protocol, only leaving the withAbsorb swap (as that includes withoutAbsorb). Also returns the total in sumInAmt_ and out sumOutAmt_ amounts, which will be less than targetInAmt_ in the case that the target amount can not be reached even with all swaps.


function _getBetterRatioSwapData(struct Structs.SwapData withoutAbsorb_, struct Structs.SwapData withAbsorb_) internal pure returns (struct Structs.SwapData swap_)

gets the better swap based on ratio of with vs without absorb swap data.


function _getNonZeroSwaps(struct Structs.Swap[] allSwaps_, uint256 nonZeroSwapsCount_) internal pure returns (struct Structs.Swap[] swaps_)

filters allSwaps_ to the non zero amount swaps_, knowing the nonZeroSwapsCount_


function _getVaultTokens(address vault_) internal view returns (address tokenIn_, address tokenOut_)

gets the vault_ token in (borrow token) and token out (supply token)


function _calcRatio(uint256 inAmt_, uint256 outAmt_) internal pure returns (uint256)

returns ratio for how much outAmt am I getting for inAmt_. scaled by 1e27_


function _getVaultT1s() internal view returns (address[])

returns all VaultT1 type protocols at the Fluid VaultFactory