
This contract is used to get the exchange rate from from a Uniswap V3 Pool, including logic to check against TWAP max deltas.

Uses 5 secondsAgos values and 3 TWAP maxDeltas: e.g. 240, 60, 15, 1, 0 -> price240to60, price60to15, price 15to1, currentPrice delta checks: price240to60 vs currentPrice, price60to15 vs currentPrice and 15to1 vs currentPrice.


contract IUniswapV3Pool _POOL

Uniswap V3 Pool to check for the exchange rate



Flag to invert the price or not (to e.g. for WETH/USDC pool return prive of USDC per 1 WETH)



Uniswap oracle delta for TWAP1 in 1e2 percent. If uniswap price TWAP1 is out of this delta, current price fetching reverts. E.g. for delta of TWAP 240 -> 60 vs current price



Uniswap oracle delta for TWAP2 in 1e2 percent. If uniswap price TWAP2 is out of this delta, current price fetching reverts. E.g. for delta of TWAP 60 -> 15 vs current price



Uniswap oracle delta for TWAP3 in 1e2 percent. If uniswap price TWAP3 is out of this delta, current price fetching reverts. E.g. for delta of TWAP 15 -> 1 vs current price


uint256 _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_1

Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 1. value, e.g. 240


uint256 _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_2

Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 2. value, e.g. 60


uint256 _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_3

Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 3. value, e.g. 15


uint256 _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_4

Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 4. value, e.g. 1


uint256 _UNI_SECONDS_AGO_5

Uniswap oracle seconds ago for twap, 5. value, e.g. 0



Uniswap TWAP1 interval duration.



Uniswap TWAP2 interval duration.



Uniswap TWAP3 interval duration.



Uniswap TWAP4 interval duration.



stored array lengths to optimize gas





constant value for price scaling to reduce gas usage



constant value for inverting price to reduce gas usage


struct UniV3ConstructorParams {
  contract IUniswapV3Pool pool;
  bool invertRate;
  uint256[3] tWAPMaxDeltaPercents;
  uint32[5] secondsAgos;


constructor(struct UniV3OracleImpl.UniV3ConstructorParams params_) internal

constructor sets the Uniswap V3 pool_ to check for the exchange rate and the invertRate_ flag. E.g. invertRate_ should be true if for the WETH/USDC pool it's expected that the oracle returns USDC per 1 WETH


function _getUniV3ExchangeRateUnsafe() internal view returns (uint256 exchangeRateUnsafe_)

Get the last exchange rate from the pool's last observed value without any checks

Return Values

exchangeRateUnsafe_uint256The exchange rate between the underlying asset and the peg asset in OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS


function _getUniV3ExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256 exchangeRate_)

Get the last exchange rate from the pool's last observed value, checked against TWAP deviations.

Return Values

exchangeRate_uint256The exchange rate between the underlying asset and the peg asset in OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS If 0 then the fetching the price failed or a delta was invalid.


function _isInvalidTWAPDelta(int256 exchangeRateTick_, int256 tickCumulativesDelta_, int256 interval_, int256 maxDelta_) internal pure returns (bool)

_verifies that exchangeRate_is withinmaxDelta*for derived price fromtickCumulativesDelta*andinterval*. returns true if delta is invalid*


function uniV3OracleData() public view returns (contract IUniswapV3Pool uniV3Pool_, bool uniV3InvertRate_, uint32[] uniV3secondsAgos_, uint256[] uniV3TwapDeltas_, uint256 uniV3exchangeRateUnsafe_, uint256 uniV3exchangeRate_)

returns all UniV3 oracle related data as utility for easy off-chain use / block explorer in a single view method