

event LogOperate(address user, address token, int256 supplyAmount, int256 borrowAmount, address withdrawTo, address borrowTo, uint256 totalAmounts, uint256 exchangePricesAndConfig)

emitted on any operate() execution: deposit / supply / withdraw / borrow. includes info related to the executed operation, new total amounts (packed uint256 of BigMath numbers as in storage) and exchange prices (packed uint256 as in storage).


| Name | Type | Description | | ----------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | user | address | protocol that triggered this operation (e.g. via an fToken or via Vault protocol) | | token | address | token address for which this operation was executed | | supplyAmount | int256 | supply amount for the operation. if >0 then a deposit happened, if <0 then a withdrawal happened. if 0 then nothing. | | borrowAmount | int256 | borrow amount for the operation. if >0 then a borrow happened, if <0 then a payback happened. if 0 then nothing. | | withdrawTo | address | address that funds where withdrawn to (if supplyAmount <0) | | borrowTo | address | address that funds where borrowed to (if borrowAmount >0) | | totalAmounts | uint256 | updated total amounts, stacked uint256 as written to storage: First 64 bits => 0- 63 => total supply with interest in raw (totalSupply = totalSupplyRaw * supplyExchangePrice); BigMath: 56 | 8 Next 64 bits => 64-127 => total interest free supply in normal token amount (totalSupply = totalSupply); BigMath: 56 | 8 Next 64 bits => 128-191 => total borrow with interest in raw (totalBorrow = totalBorrowRaw * borrowExchangePrice); BigMath: 56 | 8 Next 64 bits => 192-255 => total interest free borrow in normal token amount (totalBorrow = totalBorrow); BigMath: 56 | 8 | | exchangePricesAndConfig | uint256 | updated exchange prices and configs storage slot. Contains updated supply & borrow exchange price: First 16 bits => 0- 15 => borrow rate (in 1e2: 100% = 10_000; 1% = 100 -> max value 65535) Next 14 bits => 16- 29 => fee on interest from borrowers to lenders (in 1e2: 100% = 10_000; 1% = 100 -> max value 16_383). configurable. Next 14 bits => 30- 43 => last stored utilization (in 1e2: 100% = 10_000; 1% = 100 -> max value 16_383) Next 14 bits => 44- 57 => update on storage threshold (in 1e2: 100% = 10_000; 1% = 100 -> max value 16_383). configurable. Next 33 bits => 58- 90 => last update timestamp (enough until 16 March 2242 -> max value 8589934591) Next 64 bits => 91-154 => supply exchange price (1e12 -> max value 18_446_744,073709551615) Next 64 bits => 155-218 => borrow exchange price (1e12 -> max value 18_446_744,073709551615) Next 1 bit => 219-219 => if 0 then ratio is supplyInterestFree / supplyWithInterest else ratio is supplyWithInterest / supplyInterestFree Next 14 bits => 220-233 => supplyRatio: supplyInterestFree / supplyWithInterest (in 1e2: 100% = 10_000; 1% = 100 -> max value 16_383) Next 1 bit => 234-234 => if 0 then ratio is borrowInterestFree / borrowWithInterest else ratio is borrowWithInterest / borrowInterestFree Next 14 bits => 235-248 => borrowRatio: borrowInterestFree / borrowWithInterest (in 1e2: 100% = 10_000; 1% = 100 -> max value 16_383) |